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Timing Belt Transmission

Toothed belts in bicycles and e-bikes are subjected to a variety of stresses depending on the area of use and the constitution of the rider. For a safe design and optimization of the entire drive, predictive simulation with highly accurate virtual prototypes is an important basis.

This includes:

  • Dynamic load prediction in spans and tooth pulley contact

  • System evaluation including inertia feedback, span deflection, tensioner movement, etc.

  • Audited power loss analysis of the toothed belt system including bike train components

Timing belt transmission coupled with planetary gear 

Only a dynamic system simulation in which the toothed belt drive is expanded to include all relevant drive components, such as frame, transmission parts, electric motor and housing, ensures that all real-world influences are correctly taken into account.

  • Hybrid mode (pedal and electrical support) can be simulated and changed dynamically during simulation

  • Misuse, load changes and load profiles can be evaluated with focus on toothed belt drive dynamics

  • Detailed gear geometry (macro and micro design) considered to analyze gear dynamics and load distribution in detail

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